Monday, November 12, 2001


Time for the say goodbye to blogspot, coz that annoying banner of the top pisses me off. I'm going to Pitas, so I beg you pardon for the inconveniences but, if you, dear reader would like to change the blog addy, beeee myyyy gueeeest ¬_¬'......

Sunday, November 11, 2001

I need one blind eye to complete my Sakurazukamori set. Anyone? *aims fists to receive the kicks directed to her eye* ------> Sakurazukamori eyes ^^'

Do you need any other proof that I look like a mad? ^^;;;
In case you didn't get it, yes, those are my eyes. Yesterday Laura brought home her photos of a party BD we went to and I looked at this one. I look like a serial killer here, I said. She made a face and told me, "Shut up" ^^;;;;
But, come on, people! Actually, in the full photo I'm smiling but if you only look at the eyes... @_@'......

Narcisism? Could be ^^' And, Damien? See? I told you my eyes were quite alike Seishirou's *evil grin*
*sighs* Time to make a stop and start working again on my page. I have this "GIF" or "JPEG" deal and I'm reading a lot to inform myself. Hopefully, it will be up soon. ^^

Derek, luv. You don't know how good I'm feeling after reading your last e-mail. And yes, it's rough here in Argentina and getting worse everyday, but I'll be ok. Everything will be just fine. Anyways, I've been planning to leave the country ASAP, but... I want my Doctorship finished first. I need good weapons to fight the world's exigencies. Ah, hope you'll have fun in your hunny's place ^_^x

Ah! What happened with that X-anime proyect you were working on? Cambiaste de opinion? Porque estaría bueno... De paso te agradezco el hecho de que me hayas hecho conocer Iespana, que ahí puedo subir mis imagenes por FTP ^^' Leí algo.... Espacio /ilimitado/?? O_O!!!!
Hum..... it's "Decide?" ^^;;;;


I went to check the looks of my blog and I found a funny screen asking for passwords? O_o? And the d.O.e banner off and asking me for password too. Is that because of a special reason?
FINALLY!!!!!! XD!!!!!!

My lil' bro has a blog! And I'm waiting for Derek's URL, you know? Ah.... talking about that... Derek, hun, I don't know what did you think about that mail I sent you, but I want you to know that I'm getting a little impatient to talk to you @_@' I miss you very much, dear. T_T

Waii!!! Brazilian sexy-assassin, I guess my otouto forgot to mail you to notify you that he's joined your S.F.R.. Well, as responsible for this minor, I'm informing you ^^;;; He did join and you can check it on his blog. See? Big sista's matters ^^'