It's another of the infinite ways of love,
you know?
You work hard for it, you put all yours strenght and passion on it, you leave something of yourself in that... and simply one day... when the first state of falling in love passes by.. it falls. Not fall, really. It's just the point where you have to think what kind of relationship you want to continue: to think maturely about it, or simply cut off.
Art inspires in us, the strangest and deepest emotions. And I completely understand why you say you poured more of yourself in the layouts and comments you wrote. It was all from inside, all wrote and made, maybe, in a prick of a sudden, when CLAMP meant lots for you. As now PSH is.
But something cannot be forced. And if you do something, it's because you like it. And if you do something forced, it doesn't work very well. And soon dies.
Personally, I discovered through your
BABY, another concept of life. Yes, sounds stupid, strange, weird and like if I would be just another one of those insane freaks going around the net. But you know? It's true. Certain facts in life did it to me, as well as certain books, certain movies, certain masterpieces of music. And so it did
SnoY. Everytime I typed that URL (because right now, I'm able to get a PC at home and get my personal bookmarks ^^), it was something new to me, something that I never seen in that way or simply drool after hours and hours at those web creations.
That, apart from my increasing obssesion with Yaoi, S&S, TB, CLAMP and other candy ;)
I hope with my entire being that something productive will flow from your attempt to resurrect Snoy, but I .... *sigh* Dunno, I have the feeling that you'll drop it and go and sink into PSH, because that is what's dragging you at this moment. Sad thing, may be, that in the future, it will happen the same with PSH and you'll have /again/ all those fans you won with it, begging you to update it, and so you'll get another new thing, and so on, and so on. Coz like you put it: obsessive as I have always been and will always be. ^_^ So, it's natural.
Yes, those webmistresses who can have some different domains with different series are something rather particular.
But now, this is the point: it has to come from the heart. Because all you did came from there. You said you're gonna make a good research because you are away from CLAMP's latest news, and it will be like getting in touch again with something it was just there, not dead but there.
Yay! This've been tooooo long and pathetic, I better cut here -_-
Last thing: GANBATTE!!!!! ^_^x