Friday, October 12, 2001

I got something from you once. And you stole something from me.
Give it back to me. Please.

Mahal ka ta. Iniibig Kita....

Thursday, October 11, 2001

I need to wash my soul. I have the word sin all over me.


*listening to my brother's voice singing* *smiles*

Walk down that lonesome road all by yourself
Don't turn your head back over your shoulder
And only stop to rest yourself when the silver moon
Is shining high above the trees

Wednesday, October 10, 2001

Que me palpen de armas.

Creo en el amor como en la experiencia mas maravillosa de la existencia y como generadora de toda clase de alegría: y en el amor correspondido como la felicidad misma. Pero no fui educado para él, ni para la felicidad, ni para el placer. Porque fui advertido malamente contra la entrega y el gozoso abandono que supone. Cada día entonces, todavía, es una ardua conquista, una trasgresión, una desobediencia debida a mi mismo, una porfía, la laboriosa tarea de desaprender lo aprendido, el desacato a aquel mandamiento primario y fatal, aquel dictamen según el cual se gana o se pierde, se ama o se es amado, se mata o se muere. La vida por lo tanto no me ha endurecido, ese es mi mayor logro. Que me palpen de armas. Dejo a un lado, si es que alguna vez tuve o me queda, toda arma que sirva para volverse temible, para someter, para acumular, para ser poderoso, para triunfar en un mundo de mano armada en el que la felicidad se compra con tarjeta de crédito. No quiero que la lucidez me cueste la alegría, ni que la alegría suponga la negación o la ceguera, pero no me es fácil, me cuesta vivir a contratiempo, con la sensación de ser testigo de un desatino histórico gigantesco, de un extravío descomunal, tan irracional como la bomba de neutrones. No entiendo al mundo, me parece, como dice Serrat, que ha caído en manos de unos locos con carnet. Me siento ajeno a la debacle, Pero en medio de ella, mi vida es apenas un instante en el océano del tiempo y es como si quisiera que ese instante fuera sereno y hondo en medio de una ensordecedora discoteca o de un holocausto definitivo siempre a punto de estallar. Me desazona la banalizacion de la vida, el pavoneo de la insensatez, el triunfo de la prepotencia y de la ostentación, la deshumanización salvaje de los poderosos, la aceptación y elogio del “ Sálvese quien pueda”, la practica y la predica del desamor y de la histeria. Me descorazona la idiotez colectiva, la idealización de lo superfluo, el asesinato de la inocencia, el descuido suicida de lo poco que merece nuestro mayor esmero, el desconocimiento o el olvido de nuestra propia condición. Me conmovió no hace mucho que el cosmólogo Sagan, en un articulo extenso, escrito como desde un punto perdido en el infinito del espacio, desde el cual el mundo se observa como una bolita cachuza, terminara diciendo: “Besen a sus hijos” , escuchemos a esos hombres, sigámoslos, leamos a los poetas; no permitamos que el misterio de la existencia de estremecernos cada día, porque es el costo mas alto que podemos pagar por nuestra necedad y nuestra omnipotencia. La vida de un árbol merece nuestra devoción y nuestro mas grande regocijo. Al amparo gozoso de su sombra acariciados por la tibieza de la luz del sol y arrumados por el sonido mágico e irrepetible de su follaje mecido por la mano invisible del viento, estaremos a salvo de la alienación y de la orfandad; siempre y cuando seamos capaces de apreciar esa gloria, mientras nos sea posible, y de reconocer en ella nuestra mayor riqueza, que la muerte no nos hiera en vida, que la ferocidad no nos pueda el alma, que nada troque nuestra dicha de estar despiertos, que una caricia nos atraviese como una flecha jubilosa y radiante. Besemos a los que amamos. AMÉMONOS.

********* De Lito Vitale: Juntando Almas. (1993)

Tuesday, October 09, 2001

Let them touch and see if they can find weapons on me.

I believe in love as the most wonderful experience of existence, and generator of every happiness: and in corresponded love as happiness itself. But I haven’t been educated for it, neither for happiness, neither for pleasure. Because I’ve been badly warned about giving up and that joyful abandon that it’s supposed to be. Then, every day, still, it’s an arduous conquest, a transgression, a disobedience to myself, an obstinacy, the laborious task to unlearn what’ve been learnt, the disrespect to that first and fatal commandment, that judgment by you can win or lose, love or be loved, kill or die. Therefore, life haven’t made me harder, that’s my best achieve. Let them touch me and see if they can find weapons on me. I leave them aside, if I ever had one or I still have, any weapon to become dread, to submit, to accumulate, to be powerful, to claim victory in an under weapons world, where happiness could be bought with a credit card. I don’t want brilliancy can cost my happiness, neither happiness could suppose to be negation or blindness. But it’s not so easy for me. It’s hard for me to live against time, with the sensation of being a witness of a giant and historical lack of tact; of a monstrous deviation, so irrational like the neutron’s bomb. I don’t understand the world. I think it’s like Serrat says, that it fell in the hands of some mad ones with ID’s. I feel foreign to the disaster, but also, I feel I’m in the middle of it. My life is just an instant in the ocean of time and it’s like I would like that instant to be serene and deep in the middle of a deafening discotheque or a definitive holocaust close to burst out. It vexes me the degradation of life, the idiocy of stupidity, the triumph of preponderance and ostentation, the wild dehumanization from the powerful ones, the acceptance and eulogy to the “Everyone for himself”, the practice and preachment to disaffection and hysteria. It tears my heart out that collective silliness, the idealization to the superfluous, the assassination of innocence, the suicidal carelessness of the little that our best goal deserves, the ignorance or forgetfulness of our own condition. It touched me that not very long time ago, Sagan, the cosmologist, in a long article, written from a point of view lost in the infinite of space, from where the world can be seen as a pitiful little ball, finished his speech saying: “Kiss your children”. Let’s listen to these men, let’s follow them, let’s read the poets; let’s not allow the mystery of our existence make us to stop tremble, because it’s the highest cost we can pay for our nonsense and our omnipotence. A tree’s life deserves our devotion and our biggest enjoyment. Under the pleasurable protection of its shadow, caressed by the warmth of sunlight and cuddled by the magic sound and the uniqueness of its foliage, dandled by the wind’s invisible hand, we’ll be safe from alienation and orphanage; only when we can be able to appreciate that glory, till we can be able to do it, and recognize in that glory our biggest richness. Shall death not hurt us in life, shall ferocity will not reach our souls, shall nothing screw our good fortune to be awake, shall a caress pierce us like a joyful radian arrow.

Let’s kiss the ones we love. LET’S LOVE EACH OTHER.

******* From Lito Vitale: Juntando Almas (1993)

Monday, October 08, 2001

Yup. New layout ^^

Due to the passion Tango inspires in my soul and heart. So, come with me, take my hand, let me put a rose on your hair and let's dance, till the candle lights burn off... ^_^x

El dicho es "Hasta que las velas no ardan" :P

Volví por caminos blancos,
volví sin poder llegar.
Grité con mi grito largo,
canté sin saber cantar.


Sunday, October 07, 2001

Cotton Candy! XD? Je suis joli???? O.o Bien... indiquent cela à mon ennemis (je suis badiner, je n'ai pas pourtant le -----> bien, au moins, c'est qui je pense O.O) Je déteste des mathématiques. >_< j'ai été le plus mauvais à lui journalier de ma vie, je juste ne l'aiment pas! J'aime des sciences humaines, littérature, les arts... Pauvres vous, mon cher E-chan... U_U;;;

Home Sweet Home....

Yeah, it's not easy, when you are away from things that became dear for you and maybe you never thought about that. And then one day, poof, you leave the place you were living and settle in a new universe for you. It may be a lil' hard at first, but I know you are a genki girl and you're going to be just fine, Cute French Bunny ^^
Thanks so much for your sweet words for me, you are a very kind hearted girl and everytime I go and read your blog, there's that smooth and soft sensation, like... like... You are going to call me mad (Oh, again! ^^) but it feels like cotton candy XD Really!!! I'm not kidding! LOL
Here's my bunny, in order to make an e-bunny contest: =:3 (kinda silly, I know ^^)



Custou-me o lote para comprar este laptop, mas eu fi-lo. Você é ainda muito novo, meu amigo, e eu sinto muito ignorant sobre determinadas coisas sobre o projeto do Web *desejando a algum dia eu poderei aprender como fazer aqueles layouts bonitos *

*dialing 911* Houston... we gotta problem...

Hair: Brunette, height: 1.55m, personality characteristics: usually drooling in every comic's store for something she describes as her new obsession; attraction to problematic bishounen with UST; monosyllabic languaje, alternates with : QUE RIIICOOOO!!! HIEAAADDD!!! ZEEERROOO!!! ERNSTT!!! GAEEDEE!!!

We appeal to your solidarity to give with the whereabouts of this dangerous specimen. Thank you very much.

(the hell, look who's talking!!! XD)