Saturday, October 20, 2001

Yo! ^^

Shell's & Kira's web log kick asses! ^^ The two young wonders work in team and it shows to me that they do it reawwy well. ^^x Love is suicide features Kamui's most yaoish pose and one of my fave from him. I'm going to finish reading this later, ok?

Now some Shiki.Net quotes ^^

Seishirou Sakurazuka = Sailor petal power -----> O_O;;;;
Kakyuu = Valium poster child -----> XD!!!!!!
Hinoto = Yumeni can be crazy bitches too -----> XD
Kotori = suuuuuuuure people who talk to pigeons are sane... ------> :P

Friday, October 19, 2001


Now I know who killed the people in my country.

The new came today to Judge Galeano who is into the AMIA case. Now, what happened with AMIA? What is AMIA?
July 17th, 1994 will be imprinted in the memory of every member of the Argentine society. That monday, murdering hands decided to finish with the life of 85 human beings, hiting with a bomb in a very lively center of the jewish community, in Buenos Aires City heart. The bomb effects felt and still remain in our souls. Nobody forgets what one was doing at the time, at that moment when the attack happened. And who cannot be touched, whe you listen to those stories and names of the people's families that died. Seven years later, every month and every year, the AMIA workers repeat the same ritual: light 85 candles, pronounce the kadish for the peace of the victim's souls, cry with for memories and reaffirm the individual and collective compromise to NOT FORGET and DEMAND JUSTICE.

Now, the news tell that a man called last year to the Argentinan embassy in Saudi Arabia to confirm that the Argentinan attack have been commited by Al Qaeda (Bin Laden's organization) and that an upcoming attack would happen "At a Tuesday, on September, in the United States of America".

*sighs* And the world goes on.

Thursday, October 18, 2001

Ya con el hecho de que te hayas referido a "la juventud" como si fueras una vieja de 9.999.999 años, ya es una señal ^_~

Ah, y... todavía no entendí lo de "Cara de Argentina" O_o'

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Creo que tendremos que hacer terapia de grupo, diablito mío... porque somos varias las que deseamos secuestrar a Subaru-kun y.... O_O'

AHEM! *coughs*

Evil..... evil, bastard, mean, cruel...

I HATE YOU CABLENET!!!! è_é *beating modem* *crying*

*softly whispering* I wanted to watch it so much.... ;_;
It's so funny, you know.

Since I mailed the NIN girl for the d.O.e. membership and also with other topics, she never replied me. Hhmm... I start to think that must be a very *selected* elite or something, which is a laugh to me. ^^' *sighs* Dunno...

BTW, I love that layout. The Proffessional is one of my fave movies, if I don't say /my/ movie.

And stop casting your maboroshi and breathing in my neck, you carioca boy! ç_ç.....
No no no no no no no no no no no............... *heart attack incoming*


*fangirl mode* *looking at the lil' bars of downloading*


*repeat it till the word itself loses all gramatical sense*
*kissing Isa*

Woman, CLAMP mad lovers will die for you *_*
Ever wondered how would a dark Subaru-kun's version look like? XD Here's an alternative.
Dark Su-chan??? O.o;;;;
Nananananaaaa... not from any X OVA or fan thingie. This adorable bishounen named Yuki Souma comes from Fruits Basket, the new anime series now showing at Japanese TV. Kuniko-san talked about this to me and I'm looking forward to go deeper in the story, coz the URL she gave me is in Japanese and... you know... ^^'

*steps out and goes back to surf the net for more of Yuki-chan* ^^x

Domo arigatou gozaimasu, Kun! ^_____^

Tuesday, October 16, 2001

Nobody's going to kill you. Neither I will. It won't surprise me if you don't finish Second Chances ever.

*sighs* A pity.
Que horas son, mi corazón.... ^^

Me gustan los aviones, me gustas tu.
Me gusta viajar, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la mañana, me gustas tu.
Me gusta el viento, me gustas tu.
Me gusta soñar, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la mar, me gustas tu.

Que voy a hacer ,
je ne sais pas
Que voy a hacer
Je ne sais plus
Que voy a hacer
Je suis perdu
Que horas son, mi corazón...

QuE vOy a HaCeR... jE nE sAiS pAs... ^^

Je t'aime, Manu Chao! ^_________^'

Monday, October 15, 2001

I'm going to contact this girl... I have my eyes glued to this.

Close to a daydream. ;_;

No wonder why Su-chan and Sei-chan are my fave anime couple EVER.
So, let's start with some Blog's news:

* New addiction: Cliques ^^
I added some, but I've seen lots and I adore them ^^ (I think Buttercup rules :P )

* New bloggers in my list: Pat (I know you were here before ^^'), and Jaquez R..... whose BD is.... TODAY! ^^

* New banner link (getting an addiction there too XD): Sacrifice: Ernest "Darn you and your tragic love story made me cry" Cuore's Shrine. Visit and drool after CFG most shounen ai luv story ;_;

In other things to comment... Voting day in Argentina today... Yack. Sucks specially when you don't believe in politicians and all the candidates are a bag of lies. Happens everywhere, I know. But this is really starting to make me think what are we going to do if we keep on going like this.

Saturday: Seminary with the Dean U_U'.... : When your day starts like this you can't stop for any second. I woke up at 8:20 am and yelled my hell out, I'M LATE FOR THE SEMINARY!!!!! It started at 8:00 am and a friend told me, "Naaaa.... I'll go for you" I arrived at 8:33 am and there she was, sitting at the front of the class. I can't kill her, she's 9 months pregnant... -_-'
Topic of the class? Internet and libraries. I work in a library at the Internet Section so it was /my/ topic. Only a few like me work in a library, so we managed to make a small, interesting discussion.
Next class: Library Management and the mosrt annoying proffessor of Uni. Geeeezz... she survived another class with us. ¬_¬... WE need five more guys and we'll found the biggest Hate Club Against That Woman in all College history. ^_^x

BTW, I've just found out that my College has a URL ^^' (low quality pic, yeah)


Back to cyber life. Changed layout ^^ *takes Li closer and shows her to everybody* Yes, this is HER fault ^_^x I'm feeling much better because of the ones who push me forward: my friends.